We have completed The Inferno Firewalk Challenge 2024

Brave members of the IMM team have successfully completed the Befriend a Child Firewalk!

Brave members of the IMM team have successfully completed the Befriend a Child Firewalk!

Ashleigh McDonald, Sarah Pettigrew, Carolyn MacIntosh and Jordan Campbell were our courageous participants who stepped across the hot coals – and we are pleased to report that their feet emerged unscathed.

The brilliant fundraising event saw over £5,500 raised for the charity.

Befriend a Child is supported by a team of volunteer befrienders and mentors who spend time on a 1:1 basis with children and young people in our communities across Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire. The work of the volunteers has such a positive impact on the young lives they support.

Before the official walk and as part of the planning, Ashleigh, Sarah, Carolyn and Jordan had to break a wooden arrow using only their necks!

Thank you to Befriend a Child – we all really enjoyed the event and the whole experience.

Thank you also to Lee Walls at Firewalk Scotland, who was absolutely fabulous throughout the event at Aberdeen Science Centre.

The Inferno Firewalk Challenge 2024

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International Medical Management (IMM) and CEGA, a Charles Taylor Company, provide a unique range of end-to-end occupational health, travel health, offshore and onshore medical services to the energy sectors.

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